With the rise of all the talents competitions going on now, such as 'X Factor', 'OMG! Singapore' and 'American Idol', Nikko managed to host her own talent show but not on the national platform just yet. She hosted a kid's party with the same theme, loosely based on 'Britian's Got Talent' for Cedrick and the kids and parent really enjoyed it. Some kind words she got from the parent, Uli

'...She did a really great job, (and I can tell you the boys were quite challenging) and luckily she came here armed with a list of ideas how to get them motivated, and they really took to her. We had a lot of fun and Cedrick was really enjoying himself a lot. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to other friends. Go Nikko! Good luck with your career and we hope to see you again'

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